mardi 27 octobre 2009

Terry Riley - Atlantis Nath (2001)


1. Crucifixion Voices [5:43]
2. Mosque [1:06]
3. Derveshum Carnivalis [3:06]
4. Wedding Song [2:08]
5. Emerald Runner [13:18]
6. Gha Ten in Darbari [4:35]
7. Asención [15:23]
8. Asención Final Chord Rising [2:22é
9. Remember This [6:01]
10. Only a Day [6:04]
11. Even Your Beloved Wife [4:53]
12. The Crucifixion of My Humble Self [9:22]

Terry Riley [voice, piano, synthesizer, midi realization]
Luc Martinez [recording & sound design on Mosque, sound design on Ascención Final Chord Rising, field recordings from India, mix and mastering]
Frederic Lepée acoustic fretless guitar and acoustic percussion on Only a Day, conducting on Remember This]
John Deaderick [spoken text on The Crucifixion of My Humble Self]
The Nice Opera String Quartet [on Remember This]
Adolf Woelfli [text of The Crucifixion of My Humble Self]
Chris Harvey [illustrations & design]

Mosque and Ascención Final Chord Rising composed by Luc Martinez.
Wedding Song co-composed by Terry Riley and Luc Martinez.

The rest of the pieces composed by Terry Riley.

1 commentaire:

  1. Bonjour chez toi,
    et bravo pour l'éclectisme musical.
    Les réponses à tes questions figurent dans Martian Shaker.
